


Saga City Bus Route Map
(佐賀市バス路線マップ 英語版)



Saga City bus route map

Saga City bus route map is now available!

This is a map showing all routes and all bus stops of Saga City Bus, Showa Bus, Yutoku Bus, and Nishitetsu Bus that

operate in Saga City. (As of February 29, 2024)

Overall bus route map【 PDFファイル:12.09 MB B 】

This is an A1 size bus route map of the entire Saga city area. Please note that the file size is large.

Bus route city map【 PDFファイル:32.76 MB B 】

This is an A2 size bus route map of Saga City enlarged.

Information on how to get on and off the bus【 PDFファイル:409.6 KB B 】

Information on how to get on and off the bus.

Information on advantageous tickets and systems【 PDFファイル:489.2 KB B 】

Information on advantageous tickets and systems, and contact information for each bus company.

nimoca, bus location system guide【 PDFファイル:162.7 KB B 】

Information on transportation IC card nimoca and bus location system.


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都市戦略部 交通政策課 交通政策係
〒840-8501 佐賀市栄町1番1号 本庁6階
電話:0952-40-7038 ファックス:0952-40-7381
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